MDL applications by Queen' Software on V8i platforms

          All MDL applications are now available on MicroStation V8i, PowerDraft V8i and PowerMap V8i.


MDL applications by Queen' Software on XM platforms

          All MDL applications are now available on MicroStation XM, PowerDraft XM and PowerMap XM.

MDL applications by Queen' Software

        On these new web pages, you can get information, about our MDL applications for MicroStation V8, PowerDraft V8 and PowerMap V8. We have been developing MDL applications since 1994, primarily for Czech and Slovak users of Bentley's products (MicroStation, PowerDraft and PowerMap).

        We have experience with control/change data models, conversions designs from/to other graphics software (MapInfo, Kokes...), or other formats (DWF, MID/MIF, VKM,...), conversion MicroStation designs from 2D to 3D dimensions, changing texts in design (position, justification...), working with references, cells, libraries etc..

        Our software is easy to install (we use installation SW), easy use and easy to uninstall.

        We have low prices and special offers for more licenses or multilicenses (contact us).

        Our applications, can be purchased via internet (how to order) and there are also distributed via internet (e-mail).

        If you have any questions please, contact us

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